Addiction - Drugs & Alcohol
42 years old
Arrested - Controlled substances and paraphernalia
Public intoxication
Felony theft
Debit card was declined at Chick-fil-A with his daughter
Rebuilt marriage
Built a multi-million dollar company from scratch
Has given thousands of dollars to charities
Living God's way
Finally had enough
Put his life into God's hands
Addiction - Drugs & Alcohol
42 years old
Arrested - Controlled substances and paraphernalia
Public intoxication
Felony theft
Debit card was declined at Chick-fil-A with his daughter
Rebuilt marriage
Built a multi-million dollar company from scratch
Has given thousands of dollars to charities
Living God's way
Finally had enough
Put his life into God's hands
Addiction - Alcohol
22 months sobriety
Full of shame, guilt, resentment & fear
Damaged & lost relationships
Severe depression & anxiety
Incapable of stopping drinking on own
Extreme & dangerous withdrawals
Failed treatments & outpatient programs
Lost all self-love, worth, & purpose
Living in complete fear & insanity
Hopeless “without a way out”
Genuinely happy, content & proud
Found self-love, worth & purpose
Authentic, real relationships with significant other, family & friends
Ability to show up for those around me
Surrounded by a strong recovery community
Fulfilling job & career
Get to experience life – the ups & the downs
Truly enjoy life today!
Moment of clarity – “I can’t live like this anymore, I’m done.”
Found the courage to ask for help
Turned to God, asking & praying for help & strength
Complete surrender to alcohol
Power of God & Faith
Addiction - Alcohol
30 years old
10 months sobriety
Full of shame, guilt, resentment & fear
Damaged & lost most relationships
Severe depression & anxiety
Countless treatments & sober houses
Arrested for DWI
Fired from several jobs
Continuous drinking 24/7
Loss all ability & control to stop drinking on own
Extreme & dangerous withdrawals
Many ER & hospital visits for detoxing
Lost all self-love, worth, & purpose
Living in complete fear & insanity
Hopeless “without a way out”
Genuinely happy & content
Rebuilding self-love & worth & finding a new purpose
Authentic, real relationships with family & friends
Ability to show up for those around me
Surrounded by a strong recovery community
Fulfilling job & career
Get to experience life – the ups & the downs
Enjoy life today!
Moment of clarity – “I can’t live like this anymore, I’m done.”
Felt so broken & alone
Turned to God, asking & praying for help & strength
Power of Faith
Complete surrender to alcohol
Addiction - Alcohol & some drugs
54 years old
Hazy, confused and a mess
Missed many events - family, friends, weddings, kid functions and rocky marriage
Selfish / Blame others
Shakes without drinking
slow chaotic death
Let kids down many times
Drinking vodka in middle of the night to sleep
Living the dream
Restored relationships with wife & sons, family and friends
Not perfect but so much better
Letter from son - " I need you dad"
Addiction - Alcohol & some drugs
54 years old
Hazy, confused and a mess
Missed many events - family, friends, weddings, kid functions and rocky marriage
Selfish / Blame others
Shakes without drinking
Slow chaotic death
Let kids down many times
Drinking vodka in middle of the night to sleep
Living the dream
Restored relationships with wife & sons, family and friends
Not perfect but so much better
Letter from son - " I need you dad"
Addiction - Crack Cocaine & Alcohol
52 years old
Party - Party - Party
4 DUI's
Countless car accidents
Can't remember how many times he's been in jail
Irresponsible shit show
Took advantage of women
First thing he did was go back to school - perfect attendance
Solid employment - works everyday
On time in everything he does
All bills are paid
Works out everyday
4 AA meetings a week
Service work
Stand up comedian for the past 2 1/2 years and loving it
20 years of drinking & drugs - had enough
Pain has a purpose and it's to make you stop but he was immune to pain
Enough was enough
Addiction - Crack Cocaine & Alcohol
52 years old
Party - Party - Party
4 DUI's
Countless car accidents
Can't remember how many times he's been in jail
Irresponsible shit show
Took advantage of women
First thing he did was go back to school - perfect attendance
Solid employment - works everyday
On time in everything he does
All bills are paid
Works out everyday
4 AA meetings a week
Service work
Stand up comedian for the past 2 1/2 years and loving it
20 years of drinking & drugs - had enough
Pain has a purpose and it's to make you stop but he was immune to pain
Enough was enough
Addiction - Alcohol, prescription pills - Vicodin/Percocet
54 years old
Drama filled with lots anger and self pity - got worse year after year
Viewed that world was against him
Hated most people and institutions
Many legal consequences
Was stuck in a revolving door for decades
Lucky he had a patient wife who kept him somewhat grounded since 1995
Can deal with baffling situations
Replaced fear with faith
Learned to pause and enjoy the moment and not let fear consume him
Accomplished things I never thought he could do
Much improved self esteem
Relationships with family has improved dramatically
God has truly blessed him with a new opportunity at life
Grace of God
Was sick & tired of being sick & tired
Was tired of hurting himself and everyone who loved him
Was sick of disappointing and embarrassing himself and family.
Addiction - Control
37 years old
Volatile upbringing
Excessively regimented, routine-based all with control
Created his own prison by excessively working out 3 times a day, over studying, limiting nutrition to dangerous levels
No fulfillment
Run away from problems
Sleep deprived , anorexia and OCD
Life became fun
Rewarding and baggage fell away
Doesn't feel he's living in a 24/7 prison
Leaving his parents house in high school allowed him to change
Didn't force change but allowed him to change
Addiction - Alcohol, prescription pills - Vicodin/Percocet
54 years old
Drama filled with lots anger and self pity - got worse year after year
Viewed that world was against him
Hated most people and institutions
Many legal consequences
Was stuck in a revolving door for decades
Lucky he had a patient wife who kept him grounded somewhat since 1995
Can deal with baffling situations
Replaced fear with faith
Learned to pause and enjoy the moment and not let fear consume him
Accomplished things I never thought he could do
Much improved self esteem
Relationships with family has improved dramatically
God has truly blessed him with a new opportunity at life
Grace of God
Was sick & tired of being sick & tired
Was tired of hurting himself and everyone who loved him
Was sick of disappointing and embarrassing himself and family.
Addiction - Control
37 years old
Volatile upbringing
Excessively regimented, routine-based all with control
Created his own prison by excessively working out 3 times a day, overstudying, limiting nutrition to dangerous levels
No fulfillment
Run away from problems
Sleep deprived , anorexia and OCD
Life became fun
Rewarding and baggage fell away
Doesn't feel he's living in a 24/7 prison
Leaving his parents house in high school allowed him to change
Didn't force change but allowed him to change
Addiction - Alcohol
55 years old
Never truly dealt with loss of mother & son
Not fully present with family
Many road blocks
Limiting personal development and growth
Fully present
Goal setting mindset
Top leader in her company
International speaker
Getting certified to be a mindset coach
God told her to
Addiction - Alcohol
55 years old
Never really faced the loss of her mother and son
Not fully present with family
Many road blocks
Limiting personal development and growth
Fully present
Goal getting mindset
Top leader in her company
International speaker
Getting certified to be a mindset coach
God to her to
Addiction - Alcohol
50 years old
2 OWI's
Sexual, mental & physical abuse as a child
Extreme depression
PTSD & Insomnia
Bad relationships
Employment Issues
Financial Hardships
Cirrhosis of the liver
Happy marriage
Rebuilt strong relationships with his children
New found faith
Physical Fitness
Excelling in his career
Something just said he had enough
Addiction - Alcohol
50 years old
2 OWI's
Sexual, mental & physical abuse as a child
Extreme depression
PTSD & Insomnia
Employment Issues
Bad relationships
Financial hardships
Cirrhosis of the liver
Happy marriage
Rebuilt strong relationships with his children
Physical fitness
New Found Faith
Excelling in his career
Something just said he had enough
Addiction - Drugs & Alcohol
53 years old
Addiction - Drugs & Alcohol
53 years old