Check out the amazing upcoming guests!

Check out the amazing upcoming guests!

Jesse - 6 years sober

Before Sobriety

  • Addiction - Drugs & Alcohol

  • 42 years old

  • Arrested - Controlled substances and paraphernalia

  • OWI

  • Public intoxication

  • Felony theft

  • Debit card was declined at Chick-fil-A with his daughter

  • Chaos

  • Insanity

  • Broken

After Sobriety

  • Awesome

  • Rebuilt marriage

  • Built a multi-million dollar company from scratch

  • Has given thousands of dollars to charities

  • Living God's way

Defining moment to quit...

  • Finally had enough

  • Put his life into God's hands

Jesse - 6 years sober

Before Sobriety

  • Addiction - Drugs & Alcohol

  • 42 years old

  • Arrested - Controlled substances and paraphernalia

  • OWI

  • Public intoxication

  • Felony theft

  • Debit card was declined at Chick-fil-A with his daughter

  • Chaos

  • Insanity

  • Broken

After Sobriety

  • Awesome

  • Rebuilt marriage

  • Built a multi-million dollar company from scratch

  • Has given thousands of dollars to charities

  • Living God's way

Defining moment to quit...

  • Finally had enough

  • Put his life into God's hands

Katie - 22 months sober

Before Sobriety

  • Addiction - Alcohol

  • 22 months sobriety

  • Full of shame, guilt, resentment & fear

  • Damaged & lost relationships

  • Severe depression & anxiety

  • Incapable of stopping drinking on own

  • Extreme & dangerous withdrawals

  • Failed treatments & outpatient programs

  • Lost all self-love, worth, & purpose

  • Living in complete fear & insanity

  • Hopeless “without a way out”

After Sobriety

  • Genuinely happy, content & proud

  • Found self-love, worth & purpose

  • Authentic, real relationships with significant other, family & friends

  • Ability to show up for those around me

  • Surrounded by a strong recovery community

  • Fulfilling job & career

  • Get to experience life – the ups & the downs

  • Truly enjoy life today!

Defining Moment to Quit

  • Moment of clarity – “I can’t live like this anymore, I’m done.”

  • Found the courage to ask for help

  • Turned to God, asking & praying for help & strength

  • Complete surrender to alcohol

  • Power of God & Faith

Katie - 10 months sober

Before Sobriety

  • Addiction - Alcohol

  • 30 years old

  • 10 months sobriety

  • Full of shame, guilt, resentment & fear

  • Damaged & lost most relationships

  • Severe depression & anxiety

  • Countless treatments & sober houses

  • Arrested for DWI

  • Fired from several jobs

  • Continuous drinking 24/7

  • Loss all ability & control to stop drinking on own

  • Extreme & dangerous withdrawals

  • Many ER & hospital visits for detoxing

  • Lost all self-love, worth, & purpose

  • Living in complete fear & insanity

  • Hopeless “without a way out”

After Sobriety

  • Genuinely happy & content

  • Rebuilding self-love & worth & finding a new purpose

  • Authentic, real relationships with family & friends

  • Ability to show up for those around me

  • Surrounded by a strong recovery community

  • Fulfilling job & career

  • Get to experience life – the ups & the downs

  • Enjoy life today!

Defining moment to quit...

  • Moment of clarity – “I can’t live like this anymore, I’m done.”

  • Felt so broken & alone

  • Turned to God, asking & praying for help & strength

  • Power of Faith

  • Complete surrender to alcohol

Lance - 18 months sober

Before Sobriety

  • Addiction - Alcohol & some drugs

  • 54 years old

  • Hazy, confused and a mess

  • Missed many events - family, friends, weddings, kid functions and rocky marriage

  • Selfish / Blame others

  • Shakes without drinking

  • slow chaotic death

  • Let kids down many times

  • Drinking vodka in middle of the night to sleep

After Sobriety

  • Living the dream

  • Restored relationships with wife & sons, family and friends

  • Not perfect but so much better

Defining moment to quit...

  • Letter from son - " I need you dad"

  • Family

Lance - 18 months sober

Before Sobriety

  • Addiction - Alcohol & some drugs

  • 54 years old

  • Hazy, confused and a mess

  • Missed many events - family, friends, weddings, kid functions and rocky marriage

  • Selfish / Blame others

  • Shakes without drinking

  • Slow chaotic death

  • Let kids down many times

  • Drinking vodka in middle of the night to sleep

After Sobriety

  • Living the dream

  • Restored relationships with wife & sons, family and friends

  • Not perfect but so much better

Defining Moment to quit

  • Letter from son - " I need you dad"

  • Family

Reuben - 10 1/2 years sober

Before Sobriety

  • Addiction - Crack Cocaine & Alcohol

  • 52 years old

  • Party - Party - Party

  • 4 DUI's

  • Countless car accidents

  • Can't remember how many times he's been in jail

  • Irresponsible shit show

  • Took advantage of women

After Sobriety

  • First thing he did was go back to school - perfect attendance

  • Solid employment - works everyday

  • On time in everything he does

  • All bills are paid

  • Works out everyday

  • 4 AA meetings a week

  • Service work

  • Stand up comedian for the past 2 1/2 years and loving it

Defining moment to quit...

  • 20 years of drinking & drugs - had enough

  • Pain has a purpose and it's to make you stop but he was immune to pain

  • Enough was enough

Reuben - 10 1/2 years sober

Before Sobriety

  • Addiction - Crack Cocaine & Alcohol

  • 52 years old

  • Party - Party - Party

  • 4 DUI's

  • Countless car accidents

  • Can't remember how many times he's been in jail

  • Irresponsible shit show

  • Took advantage of women

After Sobriety

  • First thing he did was go back to school - perfect attendance

  • Solid employment - works everyday

  • On time in everything he does

  • All bills are paid

  • Works out everyday

  • 4 AA meetings a week

  • Service work

  • Stand up comedian for the past 2 1/2 years and loving it

Defining Moment to Quit

  • 20 years of drinking & drugs - had enough

  • Pain has a purpose and it's to make you stop but he was immune to pain

  • Enough was enough

Mike - 4 years sober

Before Sobriety

  • Addiction - Alcohol, prescription pills - Vicodin/Percocet

  • 54 years old

  • Drama filled with lots anger and self pity - got worse year after year

  • Viewed that world was against him

  • Hated most people and institutions

  • Many legal consequences

  • Was stuck in a revolving door for decades

  • Lucky he had a patient wife who kept him somewhat grounded since 1995

After Sobriety

  • Can deal with baffling situations

  • Replaced fear with faith

  • Learned to pause and enjoy the moment and not let fear consume him

  • Accomplished things I never thought he could do

  • Much improved self esteem

  • Relationships with family has improved dramatically

  • God has truly blessed him with a new opportunity at life

Defining moment to quit...

  • Grace of God

  • Was sick & tired of being sick & tired

  • Was tired of hurting himself and everyone who loved him

  • Was sick of disappointing and embarrassing himself and family.

Geoff - 20 years sober

Before Sobriety

  • Addiction - Control

  • 37 years old

  • Volatile upbringing

  • Excessively regimented, routine-based all with control

  • Created his own prison by excessively working out 3 times a day, over studying, limiting nutrition to dangerous levels

  • No fulfillment

  • Run away from problems

  • Sleep deprived , anorexia and OCD

After Sobriety

  • Life became fun

  • Rewarding and baggage fell away

  • Doesn't feel he's living in a 24/7 prison

Defining moment to quit...

  • Leaving his parents house in high school allowed him to change

  • Didn't force change but allowed him to change

Mike - 4 years sober

Before Sobriety

  • Addiction - Alcohol, prescription pills - Vicodin/Percocet

  • 54 years old

  • Drama filled with lots anger and self pity - got worse year after year

  • Viewed that world was against him

  • Hated most people and institutions

  • Many legal consequences

  • Was stuck in a revolving door for decades

  • Lucky he had a patient wife who kept him grounded somewhat since 1995

After Sobriety

  • Can deal with baffling situations

  • Replaced fear with faith

  • Learned to pause and enjoy the moment and not let fear consume him

  • Accomplished things I never thought he could do

  • Much improved self esteem

  • Relationships with family has improved dramatically

  • God has truly blessed him with a new opportunity at life

Defining moment to quit...

  • Grace of God

  • Was sick & tired of being sick & tired

  • Was tired of hurting himself and everyone who loved him

  • Was sick of disappointing and embarrassing himself and family.

Geoff - 20 years sober

Before Sobriety

  • Addiction - Control

  • 37 years old

  • Volatile upbringing

  • Excessively regimented, routine-based all with control

  • Created his own prison by excessively working out 3 times a day, overstudying, limiting nutrition to dangerous levels

  • No fulfillment

  • Run away from problems

  • Sleep deprived , anorexia and OCD

After Sobriety

  • Life became fun

  • Rewarding and baggage fell away

  • Doesn't feel he's living in a 24/7 prison

Defining moment to quit...

  • Leaving his parents house in high school allowed him to change

  • Didn't force change but allowed him to change

Tina - 5 months sober

Before Sobriety

  • Addiction - Alcohol

  • 55 years old

  • Never truly dealt with loss of mother & son

  • Not fully present with family

  • Many road blocks

  • Limiting personal development and growth

After Sobriety

  • Fully present

  • Goal setting mindset

  • Top leader in her company

  • International speaker

  • Getting certified to be a mindset coach

Defining moment to quit...

  • God told her to

Tina - 5 months sober

Before Sobriety

  • Addiction - Alcohol

  • 55 years old

  • Never really faced the loss of her mother and son

  • Not fully present with family

  • Many road blocks

  • Limiting personal development and growth

After Sobriety

  • Fully present

  • Goal getting mindset

  • Top leader in her company

  • International speaker

  • Getting certified to be a mindset coach

Defining moment to quit...

  • God to her to

Tony - 2 1/2 years sober

Before Sobriety

  • Addiction - Alcohol

  • 50 years old

  • Anger

  • 2 OWI's

  • Sexual, mental & physical abuse as a child

  • Extreme depression

  • PTSD & Insomnia

  • Bad relationships

  • Employment Issues

  • Financial Hardships

  • Insanity

  • Cirrhosis of the liver

After Sobriety

  • Happy marriage

  • Rebuilt strong relationships with his children

  • New found faith

  • Physical Fitness

  • Excelling in his career

Defining moment to quit...

  • Tired

  • Something just said he had enough


Before Sobriety

  • TBD

After Sobriety

  • TBD

Tony - 2 1/2 years sober

Before Sobriety

  • Addiction - Alcohol

  • 50 years old

  • 2 OWI's

  • Sexual, mental & physical abuse as a child

  • Extreme depression

  • PTSD & Insomnia

  • Employment Issues

  • Anger

  • Bad relationships

  • Insanity

  • Financial hardships

  • Cirrhosis of the liver

After Sobriety

  • Happy marriage

  • Rebuilt strong relationships with his children

  • Physical fitness

  • New Found Faith

  • Excelling in his career

Defining moment to quit...

  • Tired

  • Something just said he had enough


Before Sobriety

  • TBD

After Sobriety

  • TBD


Before Sobriety

  • Addiction - Drugs & Alcohol

  • 53 years old

After Sobriety

  • TBD


Before Sobriety

  • Addiction - Drugs & Alcohol

  • 53 years old

After Sobriety

  • TBD


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